Understanding Opportunity Pipeline in TAM

Level 2

Understanding Opportunity Pipeline in TAM

Hi everyone, I'm struggling to understand some things related to the Opportunities in Target Account Manager (TAM).


While looking at the Named Account in TAM, I see the pipeline of the account (lets figure it out with and example) named as WillyWonka with a total amount of 24K in Pipeline. 

While auiting the opportunity, I see that from the 7 people in the named accoun only 1 has an opportunity, with 24K but it's stage is 'Closed Lost'. As I've understood from other sources of Marketo and old posts, the pipeline is created with the sum of the quantity in the field 'Amount' in opportunity when the opp is Open and it wont sum the total amount for the Pipeline if its closed won or closed lost (see in post the explanation of this)


I've checked ohter opps and they have as pipeline the total amount of the opportunities in closed lost and closed won stages, shouldnt be the total sum of opps with an 'open' (or its variables) stage?

Another thing I've not clear and I'm guessing is, I see there are opportunities with the field 'Primary' marked as true or false. Does this determine which opportunity is going to be taken to calculate the Pipelines?
Thanks in advance to everyone, I'm trying to understand this because I'm not clear if the problems is with the TAM Module or how the fields are being calculated or whatever.

