Re: Unchecking all other fields when 'Unsubscribe' checkbox is selected

Level 2

Unchecking all other fields when 'Unsubscribe' checkbox is selected

Hello all, 


I am trying to follow previous posts regarding this topic, and the code that I am testing isn't working correctly. I am attempting to add this code to the header section on the landing page that the form is contained on:


     const formEl = mktoForm.getFormElem()[0];

     const unsubscribeTrigger = "Unsubscribed",
           unsubscribableDeps = [
     const dependencies = [
           primaries : unsubscribeTrigger,
           cascadeSecondaries : unsubscribableDeps
               return { field : unsubscribable, negate : true, filterPrimaryValues : ["yes"] }
           primaries : unsubscribableDeps,
           cascadeSecondaries : { field : unsubscribeTrigger, negate : true, filterPrimaryValues : ["yes"] }

     const mktoNegations = {
       "yes" : "no",
       "no" : "yes"

          dep.primaries = [dep.primaries];

          const primaryEl = formEl.querySelector("[name='" + primary + "']");
              const currentValues = mktoForm.getValues(),
                    primaryValue = currentValues[primary];

                dep.cascadeSecondaries = [dep.cascadeSecondaries];

              const mktoFormsObj = dep.cascadeSecondaries
                .filter(function isMatchedPrimary(fieldDesc){
                   return fieldDesc.filterPrimaryValues.indexOf(primaryValue) != -1;
                .filter(function isOnForm(fieldDesc){
                   return fieldDesc.field in currentValues;
                .reduce(function assembleFinal(acc,nextField){                       
                  acc[nextField.field] = nextField.negate ? mktoNegations[primaryValue] : primaryValue;
                  return acc;



The landing page is:


Can anyone give me any insight on where I'm going wrong? Thank you!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Unchecking all other fields when 'Unsubscribe' checkbox is selected

If you look in your browser console (always start there!) you’ll see this:



That’s because the code isn’t intended to be in <head>. It has to run after the Marketo forms library is loaded. On a Marketo LP, the easiest way to ensure that is to add it just before the closing </body> tag.



Level 2

Re: Unchecking all other fields when 'Unsubscribe' checkbox is selected

Thank you @SanfordWhiteman I appreciate your help. Would this code work if injected within the LP template versus the page itself? 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Unchecking all other fields when 'Unsubscribe' checkbox is selected

Sure, though what I’d typically do is allocate a place for custom JS on the template level:


<div hidden class="mktoText" mktoName="Custom footer JS" id="footerJS"><div>



Then you can paste <script>(s) into that element on the LP level.


It’s up to you, though. If you want the code to run on every page derived from a template, then put the whole script at the template level.