Re: Unapproved Form / Landing Page Data Capture?

Level 1

Unapproved Form / Landing Page Data Capture?

If a landing page has been Un-approved in Marketo for several days, but the form it uses has NOT had any of its fields changed since its last Un-approval, is Marketo still able to track all of the lead data coming through that particular landing page? Or is the data for those days just lost?@

Level 10

Re: Unapproved Form / Landing Page Data Capture?

If a landing page is unapproved, then leads would not be able to access it to fill out the form.  Once a page is unapproved it's not longer "live" for the public to see, and any leads that clicked a link to that page would be redirected to your fall-back page.


Level 10

Re: Unapproved Form / Landing Page Data Capture?

Hi Justin Manger​,

If a landing page has been unapproved, it can no longer be accessed by any lead. And therefore no lead can have filled out the form on this LP since the un-approval and furthermore, no lead can have entered the database through that LP since then.

Now it may happen that a form is used on more than 1 LP and that other LPs with the same form remain approved.

When you look at the form, you can find a "used by" tab that will let you know on which page the form is used.


Level 6

Re: Unapproved Form / Landing Page Data Capture?

Hi Justin,

LP  with UNapproved state is not be accessible via its URL which means page is not live.

But in your Marketo instance if you were not seeing the green checkmark on your LP and page is accessible then I am quite sure it might be Approved with Draft. And if that is the case then yes any lead that fills out form on LP with status draft will reach in your DB. Couple of times if form which is sitting on the LP is edited/updated then Marketo auto draft the LP.



Level 1

Re: Unapproved Form / Landing Page Data Capture?

Thank you all for your responses. Priyank intuit-ed this - the forms were actually "Approved with Draft", and not UN-approved. As such, per Priyank's comment, it appears that we didn't lose any data capture due to the forms being "Approved with Draft," and not actually UN-approved.