Unable to delete a picture

Level 10

Unable to delete a picture


I want to delete one of my pictures and I have following message. I'm pretting sure that I have updated all links on landing pages or emailings that were using this visual. However how can I know for sure?


Cécile @ Talend
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Re: Unable to delete a picture

Hi Cecile,

If you go to the image in design studio and click on it, it will tell you "Used By" in the bottom. I'm assuming there's a landing page or email you missed? Let me know if this isn't the issue.
Level 10

Re: Unable to delete a picture

Hi Liz,

Is it supposed to list all assets where the picture has been used? only landing pages?
In my case it doesn't seem to work.... See example below:

white paper visual is posted on several landing pages

but when I look under picture, used by = none

Cécile @ Talend
Not applicable

Re: Unable to delete a picture

Hi Cecile, it might be because the image is hardcoded in your landing page template. If the image was dragged and dropped on to each landing page then my theory is wrong, but if your template references the image, then you may have to update the template. 
Level 10

Re: Unable to delete a picture

our pictures are added to the html of the landing pages (not the template itself) so I guess this is not what you meant by "hardcoded". In present case I have tried again to delete picture and it worked.

However I would be interested to know why I cannot see where picture are used like Liz....