Unable to Approve Emails via REST API

Level 3

Unable to Approve Emails via REST API

Unable to approve Email via rest API. I'm betting the attached error however when i approve the Email manually via Marketo UI it's working fine. Can someone please help me out with that. I need to approve more than 10k emails. I'm using below rest API call





Level 3

Re: Unable to Approve Emails via REST API

Use the token as shown in the UI and returned by the API:  {{program.name}}


The API is sensitive to case for tokens when approving a template whereas the UI is not.

Level 3

Re: Unable to Approve Emails via REST API

Thank you for the solution. Now i got error for Member. webinar url. We have close to 4000 Emails and can't update them manually. Would be great if you can provide the work around for below as well,


"requestId": "51e1#1703e0909d3",
"success": false,
"warnings": [],
"errors": [
"code": "702",
"message": "Undefined token {{member.webinar url}}"