Re: Unable to add mobile test device

Level 1

Unable to add mobile test device


I've been trying to set up iOS mobile SDK and now I'm looking to add a test device via the link. The link redirects to my App but a dialog pop up "The URL does not match this application." and my device does not get added. Any idea what's going on?

Level 1

Re: Unable to add mobile test device

I'm experiencing this same issue with the Android mobile SDK. I've got the app configured in Marketo Admin for push notifications, and the link also redirects to my app, but I also get the error: "The URL does not match this application." This error appears to be specific to Marketo, as there are no results in google for this exact error message. 

Level 1

Re: Unable to add mobile test device

From what I can tell, this is occurring if the initializeSDK method has failed.  

On the Android side, the Marketo SDK classes are making logs with the tag "MKTO" so if you have ADB installed, you can use the console to do a command 'adb logcat | findstr MKTO' which will show logs for that specific tag. 
Doing this in my case has confirmed that the initializeSDK method has failed... (unfortunately it's an IOException, so I'm at a dead end with my android integration.)

I haven't gotten to the iOS side of integration yet, so I don't know what the iOS equivalent would be for the above troubleshooting methods.