Our company has been using a custom field checkbox titled “Contact Me – Sales” where on some forms we ask if the visitor would like someone to contact them. I’m creating a new program right now where we are offering a free brochure in exchange for a form submission. We would like to also add the “Contact Me – Sales” custom field to this form and IF someone checks it, a sales rep alert will be emailed to the appropriate rep.
The issue is, since some leads may NOT check this box, however they could have checked it on another form days, weeks or months ago, a sales rep alert will be triggered. Is there anyway to make the alert email send ONLY when the lead literally checks the box on this specific form? So, instead of the trigger being activated by a data set, it needs to be activated by an action.
The “data value changed” option doesn’t work as the data value may not have changed (I could have checked the box on this form, but I already checked it on another form weeks ago, therefore my data value did not change).
Any help would be MUCH appreciated! I hope I’m making sense here lol.