Trigger campaigns based on changing data value of acquisition date not working?

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Trigger campaigns based on changing data value of acquisition date not working?

Was just wondering if anyone has tried something similiar? We're looking to create trigger campaigns to set the lead source for inbound leads. We have existing batch campaigns that run nightly to standardize these values, but we'd really like for this information to be updated in close-to-real-time. 

I've tried creating a trigger using the changing data value of "Acquisition Program Date" but when I test this, I am finding that the smart campaigns won't fire based on the change of that date value alone. It will only trigger the campaign if you manually go into each lead record and change the acquisition time! Seems odd since time isn't a value we can run automation off of.

Is there another way to go about this?  I've also tried just using "Lead is Created" and "Acq. Program Name" Contains my desired value but none of my test lead records meet this either. 
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Re: Trigger campaigns based on changing data value of acquisition date not working?

Can you try, Lead is Created (Trigger) and Acq Program Date is TODAY (Filter). 

Personally I use URL Parameters for tracking everything. So when someone comes in with a certain URL string, then I change their Lead Source / Detail in real time.
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Re: Trigger campaigns based on changing data value of acquisition date not working?

If you use "Program Status is Changed"="Is Any" and add the constraint "Acquired by=True" that should create the trigger you're looking for. Just make sure that you only allow them to go through the flow one time, to prevent records from going through each time their Program Status changes in their acquisition program.

Screen Shot 2016-03-14 at 1.05.28 PM.png

Hope this helps!

Level 2

Re: Trigger campaigns based on changing data value of acquisition date not working?

I'm testing the same trigger, "Program Status is Changed" using the unique program value, not any, and Acquired by is true to append Acquisition Program and Channel. Preliminary testing is working well. Has anyone else run into problems??