If I have a mutil stream engagement. Stream 1, Stream 2, Stream 3...
If a lead has Behavior Score < 20 then add it to this Engagement Program
Stream 1, I have three emails. After the cast to send the third email then I want to check:
+ when Behavior Score >=20 I will push this lead to Stream 2
+ if Behavior Score still < 20 then after 1 month -> push it to Stream 3
How to do it?
Transition Rules is for pull lead, How about push (from Stream 1 to others)?
I mean could I push lead from Stream1 to Stream2 by the way:
1. Add a Smart Campaign in Stream1 (named Stream1 - Exit up)
In workflow we add "Change Engagement Program Stream"
2. Add choice for "Change Engagement Program Stream"
- If "Score - Behavior" "greater than" "20"
- Program = "my engagement program" - New stream = "stream 2"
In this way we can custom something before send lead to Stream 2 (may be change it's status ....)
For Stream 3 we do the same
What do you think about this?