Re: Tracking video plays and clicks on a landing page

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Tracking video plays and clicks on a landing page

I want to set triggers that will start a new campaign based on whether user clicks a video on the landing page and based on clicking specific links on a landing page.

Also I would like to create tags for users such as "Interested in video campaigns"  when they watch a video.

How can I go about it?
Tags (1)
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Re: Tracking video plays and clicks on a landing page

To set those triggers, go into the Smart List tab of your campaign-drag the lightning bolt option "clicks link" and select the link after typing it or via the drop down menu.

I'm not sure what you mean by "start a new campaign" but in the flow step, take a look at the flow actions. Those are your options/limitations for what you can do based off of your triggers.
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Re: Tracking video plays and clicks on a landing page

Here is my understanding of your scenario:

If clicked link A, activate program A and set tag to "A"
If clicked link B, activate program B and set tag to "B"

I would create 2 programs. For each program the smart list would be the conditions you just described (i.e. clicks link). Then for the flow I would choose the action you want to perform as well the "Change Data Value" and set the field value to whatever label you want. If you don't have that field created yet, go to SFDC and create that field.

Program A
Smart List: clicks link A
Flow: send email or whatever...and Change Data Value > field = name of field to "A"

Program B
Smart List: clicks link B
Flow: send email or whatever...and Change Data Value > field = name of field to "B"

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Re: Tracking video plays and clicks on a landing page

Thanks for the responses.

But the URL is indicated as invalid when I created the condition clicks link which is a landing page created in Marketo.

It is a video file I uploaded to Marketo and embeded on a landing page.

Not sure how to make this work.
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Re: Tracking video plays and clicks on a landing page

Does the website pointing to the landing page have the marketo tracking page?
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Re: Tracking video plays and clicks on a landing page

the landing page was created in marketo design studio.
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Re: Tracking video plays and clicks on a landing page

How about trying to store the video somewhere else like youtube and link out to that. It works for us...