Tracking people not on a marketo landing page that I can't put the munchkin code on

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Tracking people not on a marketo landing page that I can't put the munchkin code on

I recently made an ad in adwords and linked it to a new source we were featured in. I attached it to the news source (rather than linking it to our own website withe the same content) because I wanted the original source to be seen. I tried using the redirect rule of landing pages, hoping marketo would pick up on the information right before they were sent to the external page. This did not work and marketo support confirmed redirecting would not pick up the information. Does any one else know of any ideas on how to track these people? Specifically in marketo but also with any other tool?
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Tracking people not on a marketo landing page that I can't put the munchkin code on


I believe redirecting someone like this is against AdWords' rules. Why would you have an ad that would redirect people away from your site? 

But you could potentially capture the data if you had a cookie or javascript that loaded fast enough.
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Re: Tracking people not on a marketo landing page that I can't put the munchkin code on

Thanks for your response. I am not looking for them to perform an actions just go the page which has an article we were featured in. I set up an adwords campaign so that I could feature the article. I wanted to track who was clicking on the ad (with my very specific targeting). This is part of a retargeting campaign. I do not want them on our site because I want them to see us on the news source itself. This is why I was only hoping to track their actions. I hope that clarifies.