Re: Tracking of "Clicks link in email" with "link id" filled from "lead token"

Level 4

Tracking of "Clicks link in email" with "link id" filled from "lead token"


Is it possible to use lead tokens for email link IDs and the corresponding trigger "click link in email"? Currently, I am facing an issue where the ID is filled in the HTML, but the activity log of the click does not contain any link ID information if it was filled via lead tokens.


What's my use case?
A user can start a process by filling out a form. This process will get a unique ID we create in the background. To finish the process, the user has to click a link in an email. A user can start another process before the first process is finished by submitting the form again with different data. In that case, the first process can't be finished anymore. To ensure that the process being approved is the current running process, we would like to check the unique ID during the link click.


What's our idea?
The user will receive an email with a link to a Marketo landing page. The link ID will be filled with the unique ID. If the smart list trigger "clicks link in email" fires, we check if the clicked link has the same ID as the current process's unique ID.


What issue did I face?
I can fill the ID with a static value. In that case, the ID is parsed correctly and I can see it in the activity log entry. But if I use a lead token, the link ID does not appear in the activity log. It seems as if the link tracking does not include tokenized link IDs. I tried both using an inline HTML link with a token as the link ID, as well as an email script token that includes the whole a-tag and the link ID based on the lead field.


Do you have any idea how to solve this?



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Tracking of "Clicks link in email" with "link id" filled from "lead token"

I endorse using the Link ID constraint wherever possible, especially to group the business importance of a link (primary CTA vs. secondary CTA) without knowing the URL itself. But still, in your particular case, can’t you use a query param?