Tracking Links on Webpage With Trigger Token

Not applicable

Tracking Links on Webpage With Trigger Token


I've been through a few rounds with Marketo support and they've determined that it's currently not possbile to track link clicks on a webpage using a Clicks Link {{}} token. I was trying to implement this for PDF downloads that we have linked off of campaign sites. The workaround is to add each link you want tracked to a Smart List manually in an Interesting Moment campaign, however when you consider all of the content pieces and pages that I know we're all producing it makes it a very time consuming thing to manage.

I would love to see this functionality added and Marketo has suggest I post a discussion here and try to get it upvoted.... so here it is!

Not applicable

Re: Tracking Links on Webpage With Trigger Token

Good idea. We worked around this using the following mechanism.

We created a 'redirector' program in Marketo consisting a form (A) and landing page.
Change the pdf links on the website as instead of http://urlofpdf
The landing page 'redirector.html' have javascript code which grabs the 'target', submits the Marketo form (A) with that value.
And then redirects browser to the url of the pdf.

Thus all the link clicks are stored in the responses to the marketo form (A). And you can write smartlists as you need. Instead of 'clicked a link' you might be using 'filled a form' selecting that marketo form.

There are other ways of working around this consisting of AJAX etc but we took the simpler route.

Hope this helps.


Level 2

Re: Tracking Links on Webpage With Trigger Token

Thanks for teh workaround!

This is definitely a feature that should be added, and you have my vote!!!

Not applicable

Re: Tracking Links on Webpage With Trigger Token

Yeah, why not just have clicked links tracked without needing a token? It's as though Marketo decided to make everything that most digital marketers take for granted in something like GA, something you must manually create. Sometimes infinite flexibility isn't a great thing. Even the work around is a complexity that requires intimate knowledge and copious documentation to remember.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Tracking Links on Webpage With Trigger Token

This article is 2 years old.  Use {{}} to get the link.