You have to output a fully-fledged <a> tag, but yes.
This is great that this now works but a really bad implementation. Because now logic has to spread all over the place. I can't just create a token for the url, its really a token for the whole HTML including the <a> tag.
We have created an Email Template using Email Editor 2.0.
The links are being defined using variables:
<meta class="mktoString" id="c1ctaURL" mktoname="C1 - CTA URL" mktomodulescope="true" default="#" />
We applied the workaround mentioned in a few posts above in order to get these links tracked:
#set ( $mylink = "" )
<a href="http://${mylink}">Click Here!</a>
So the tag <a> in our template looks like:
<a href="https://${c1ctaURL}"
And of course, the c1ctaURL doesnt include any http
But after several tests, the links are not being tracked.
Are we doing something wrong here? Is there another solution to get this working since this post is from 2016?
Doesn't sound like this is related to a user-authored Email Script token, so should be a new thread.
Sorry about that, I created already a new thread with the issue.