Re: Tracking Between Google Analytics and Marketo Landing Pages

Level 2

Tracking Between Google Analytics and Marketo Landing Pages

We track our website as well as our Marketo landing pages with Google Analytics. If someone travels between the two URL domains, it appears that they have left one of the websites (so this leads to high bounce rates, time on pages, # of pages per session), but are really still on "our" pages.

Is there a way in Google Analytics that you are tracking all this traffic together?
Not applicable

Re: Tracking Between Google Analytics and Marketo Landing Pages

Because Marketo landing pages are hosted in a different subdomain Google Analytics will count that as an exit. 

Add your tracking code to your landing pages too but add this to your Google tracking code so Google will count it as part of the same website

_gaq.push(['_setDomainName', 'YOURDOMAIN.COM']);

More infor about tracking subdomains here: