Re: Track specific links in e-mail

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Track specific links in e-mail

Hi there, 

My company just started sending out a monthly newsletter, and I was wondering if there was a function that allows you to not just track all clicks in the e-mail, but specific clicks on specific links. Within the newsletter, different links have different values, and we'd like to able to track the higher value links a littler closer. Is there a way to specify?

For example, if we announce a new white paper and include a link to the download page, is there a way to track that so we can measure visits:download ratio? 


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Re: Track specific links in e-mail

There is the link performance report....Here is the documentation
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Re: Track specific links in e-mail there a way to track that so we can measure visits:download ratio?

For this you can use the Landingpage Report in your Analytics tab. This displays Page Views and Form Submits and their ratio.