Re: Token Key Not Found

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Token Key Not Found

I use tokens for our interesting moments that tell us what triggered the interesting moment. These had been working fine through testing but now I'm having troubles with this token for when someone watches a gated webinar. We want it to tell us the web page the webinar was on so that we know which webinar was watched.

Here is how the trigger is set up:

Viewed Recorded Webinar: {{trigger.Web Page}}

I am getting a Token Key Not Found error whenever someone watches a webinar - and their interesting moment is failing.

What am I doing wrong? I see this is a standard token in this "Tokens Glossary" document: Tokens Glossary - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

Any advice is appreciate!

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Re: Token Key Not Found

Hi Allison

Are you using a Fills out Form trigger in the smart campaign that includes the interesting moment, or visited web page?  It will need to be the latter for the trigger token to work.

Many thanks


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Re: Token Key Not Found

Hi Bronwen,

Thanks for your reply. I am using either a Fills of Form trigger OR a Campaign is Requested trigger for the smart list part of the campaign. So it seems you are saying that is why it's not working -- that I need to change it to a "Visited Web Page" trigger? Is that correct? Do you know why?

I'm also confused b/c a) the trigger campaign worked for a while as it's set up now - and just recently started giving me the "failed" error. and also b) I have another interesting moment set up for when people fill out a form to get one of our whitepapers - using the "Fills out Form" trigger - and the interesting moment description is pretty much just the same as the one above: Downloaded {{trigger.Web Page}} and this one continues to work fine.

I can't figure out why one is working and not the other.

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Re: Token Key Not Found

And another even crazier twist to this puzzle is the campaign is still sending good info to Salesforce for that interesting moment - even though it is failing in Marketo. It looks just like it should (and always used to look) in Salesforce - as if there are no problems.

That makes me even more confused as to why Marketo would be posting it as a failure.

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Re: Token Key Not Found

Below is the thread of the community who helped me set up my interesting moments in the first place - when everything had been working great.

Interesting Moment Tokens

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Re: Token Key Not Found

In case this helps anyone else, I sent this question to support and they said the error was thrown b/c I have TWO triggers in my SMART LIST.

Their email:

The issue you have here is you have two trigger on this campaign but on the "fills out form" trigger works for the token {{trigger.Web Page}} .

That is why you don't see some leads stamp this to Marketo and throw an error. Those leads did not qualify with the Form Fill. They qualified with the other trigger.

Here are details on the tokens.

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Re: Token Key Not Found

Can you not use "Campaign Is Requested" for the trigger to an interesting moment? It's what will work best for us to be able to "send" interesting moment activities to our interesting moment campaign, but I can't find any tokens that are descriptive and work with this trigger. It is not very helpful to see an interesting moment that renders like "Campaign Was Requested" as that tells our sales people nothing.

Is it possible to use Campaign is Requested as the trigger to an interesting moment campaign?
