Re: To emoji or not emoji? That is the question!

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Level 10

To emoji or not emoji? That is the question!

Just wanting to get peoples opinion on using Emoji's in subject lines.  I'm not even sure if this is possible in Marketo at the minute, but I have noticed my inbox is more and more of these on a daily basis.  I read that it has shown to increase open rates, I'm not so sure though. Also, do you think it's just a b2c or do you think it works for b2b?


Accepted Solutions
Level 4

Re: To emoji or not emoji? That is the question!

Level 10

Re: To emoji or not emoji? That is the question!

I think its very specific to the Audience.  Personally, I would do a lot of A/B testing with emoji's in the subject line to see what works.  I think its more of a a B2C thing, but with the right B2B business it might work.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: To emoji or not emoji? That is the question!

I'd be wary of it in some industries. I'm in Healthcare (selling to Hospitals) and we run into issues where they're forced to use Internet Explorer on their work computers (*internal scream*) so an emoji in the subject line is probably too progressive.

I'd also compare it to how your copy is written. Formal? Nope. Friendly? Probably good to go.

Level 6 - Champion Alumni

Re: To emoji or not emoji? That is the question!

I've noticed an increase in emails that contain subject line emojis hitting the SPAM folder when it comes to B2B. Could just be our experience, but I even noticed it in our tests.

Level 4

Re: To emoji or not emoji? That is the question!

Level 10

Re: To emoji or not emoji? That is the question!

I should have known