Time to Sync to WebEx?

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Time to Sync to WebEx?

Im just curious how long it takes other marketers to get the sync from WebEx. It is taking us about 4-5 days to see the registrants updated to reflect attended vs. no shows. Is this typical? Ive asked Marketo support and they have pointed at WebEx as the cause of the issue. How does this work for you?
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Level 10

Re: Time to Sync to WebEx?

We use GTW and they say it can take up to 2 days but we usually see everyone within hours (if not less). I know you asked about WebEx, but figured I'd provide this input anyway in case it helps!
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Re: Time to Sync to WebEx?

It used to take us minutes to hours, but we had smaller webinars (<100 attendees).

We don't use WebEx anymore.
Level 7

Re: Time to Sync to WebEx?

Not sure why it is taking few days for you. We have been using Webex for daily webinars, and the list of attendees gets updated in less than an hour. 
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Re: Time to Sync to WebEx?

Unfortunately WebEx does take a long time to post the final attendance information.  4-5 days seems long...was it a big webinar?  Typically it is about 48 hours.
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Re: Time to Sync to WebEx?

WebEx takes about 24 hours for us.
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Re: Time to Sync to WebEx?

We average about 1200-1500 registrants per webinar. I would not consider that 'big' by any means.
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Re: Time to Sync to WebEx?

We use Webex for our webinars with an average of 500-750 registrants per webinar, and it's been taking a longer time for the sync to occur for us after the webinar as well. It's been taking about 2-4 days. Can't figure out why though.
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Re: Time to Sync to WebEx?

Webex wait times depend heavily on the number of attendees per session. In our experience, doing a few webinars per week, the more attendees the longer it takes to update into Marketo. This is a Webex issue, as they take much longer to compile all the attendee data. Since Webex reports on attention and log in/out time, it needs to process. 1200-1500 registrants sounds like it would take quite a while for Webex to process, as is the case in our largest webinars. Unfortunately that sounds about par for the course with Webex.