The message "Warning:You have chosen to ignore unsubscribe settings. Use only for situations where the recipient cannot consider the email as unsolicited commercial email (SPAM).Learn more about anti-SPAM Laws" was encountered. Since the email is for operational matter, but not for the marketing, it is not required for me to worry about unsubscribing.
However, please let me know if there is any concern.
Hajime Yasui are you still having this problem? If so, please contact
Sorry I didn't respond sooner.
Hajime Yasui That notification message will come up any time you make an email operational. It's a stock warning that comes up every time because of how Operational emails will bypass all unsubscribe settings. If you aren't using the email as a Marketing email and it truly is an Operational email, you can ignore it. If there are any troubles with that, just open a Support case through the Portal or by emailing
It's our obligation to inform customers that, in some cases, ignoring unsubscribe settings is a violation of laws in several countries.
If you are truly using this as an operational/transactional email, then it shouldn't be an issue.