I am using the SOAP api for .net and following the example code to update a lead. When I step through the code I see that I am carrying the right Marketo Lead ID just before the call to SyncLead however it creates a new lead every time. I am using the Marketo Lead ID instead of the email to update the contact.
private static string SyncLead(int MarketoContactID, ref Marketo_WS_2_0.ResultSyncLead rs, string userID, string EncryptionKey, Marketo_WS_2_0.Attribute[] attribList)
Marketo_WS_2_0.SuccessSyncLead response = new Marketo_WS_2_0.SuccessSyncLead();
string results = "";
string requestTimeStamp = ConvertDateToW3CTime(DateTime.Now);
string stringToEncrypt = requestTimeStamp + userID;
string message;
key = EncryptionKey;
message = stringToEncrypt;
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] keyByte = encoding.GetBytes(key);
HMACSHA1 hmacsha1 = new HMACSHA1(keyByte);
byte[] messageBytes = encoding.GetBytes(message);
byte[] hashmessage = hmacsha1.ComputeHash(messageBytes);
string header = ByteToString(hashmessage);
Marketo_WS_2_0.MktowsContextHeaderInfo ws_context = new Marketo_WS_2_0.MktowsContextHeaderInfo();
ws_context = null;
Marketo_WS_2_0.AuthenticationHeaderInfo ws_header = new Marketo_WS_2_0.AuthenticationHeaderInfo();
ws_header.mktowsUserId = userID;
ws_header.requestSignature = header.ToLower();
ws_header.requestTimestamp = requestTimeStamp;
Marketo_WS_2_0.ParamsSyncLead ws_lead = new Marketo_WS_2_0.ParamsSyncLead();
Marketo_WS_2_0.LeadRecord LeadRec = new Marketo_WS_2_0.LeadRecord();
LeadRec.Id = MarketoContactID;
LeadRec.leadAttributeList = attribList;
ws_lead.leadRecord = LeadRec;
MktowsPortClient Client = new MktowsPortClient();
response = Client.syncLead(ws_header, ws_context, ws_lead);
results = "";
rs = response.result;
catch (Exception e)
results = e.Message;
rs = null;
return results;
Solved! Go to Solution.