It's important to consider your lead lifecycle process.
- What are the steps a lead should go through to reach sales?
- What should marketing do?
- What should sales expect?
- What should sales do with a lead?
- how will marketing and sales know when a lead was dispositioned?
- what should happen to the lead at each point?
For instance, when should a lead go to an SDR or field sales?
- Score >= X?
- what flow actions need to occur at that trigger?
- how is sales notified?
- should the Sync Lead to SFDC action also assign the owner? Should we use SFDC Lead Assignment Rules?
Also you should generally centralize this process of pushing leads over. the critical exception is if you connect Programs to SFDC Campaigns, which will auto sync ALL leads who are members of the Program. In that case, you should have a process on SFDC side to move those leads to a Queue until it is time to pass to Sales.