Switching from iFrames to Forms 2.0 embedded on our website

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Switching from iFrames to Forms 2.0 embedded on our website

Hi everyone,

We're thinking of moving from having conversion points on our website in landing pages/forms that are posted to our website via iFrames to likely keeping all pages on our website, but placing only the form (Forms 2.0) in our CMS. We believe this will lead to improved tracking.

Has anyone made this switch before? I have seen both done, but have not implemented a migration from one process to another, so I don't know what I don't know.

Does anyone know of any pitfalls for doing this? General issues I should be aware of?

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Re: Switching from iFrames to Forms 2.0 embedded on our website

Hey Kim,

We are about to do the same. One issue that has come up:

- The follow up page will be determined within the form and if you are like us, using a master form with progressive profiling enabled, this creates a challenge for determining the correct follow up page. Our solution so far is to add a hidden "Asset" field in the form and then use url parameters to determine the page. We have not started, so I do not have any examples to report on as of yet.

Overall, we think it will be a great move, though. The main issue that prompted this was being able to pull in a non-mkto parameter into a mkto form. There is code to do this, but it just seemed to make more sense to move to embedding the form.

I'll let you know if we come across any other challenges!