Success Path Analyzer Question

Level 3

Success Path Analyzer Question

Hello all,


I have a question regarding a sharp fall off on the first stage of our SPA.  We average around 260K members in the "name" stage in our database. On the 8th of last week we saw a tremendous drop off of that # with an outflow of over 243K. 


Two questions

1. How would something like that be possible? What would cause something like that to happen?

2. Why does it look like none of those people moved to another stage?



Any help is appreciated, Mark


Level 3

Re: Success Path Analyzer Question

So it looks like, for some reason the Revenue Stage was changed on July 8th from "name" to 'Inactive" I have no idea how that might have happened. 


It looks like I can change the Revenue Stage field back to name but will that blow everything up in my instance?  I'd still like to figure out how that happened though.




Level 3

Re: Success Path Analyzer Question

Following breadcrumbs it looks like with have an ‘Inactive” detour on our Lifecycle processing campaign that will change the value on inactive users after 90 days from “Name/MEL” to “inactive”.


This changed a LOT of data values on all of those records.



My question is, do I manually change all of these back to what they were before? Or just continue to engage them and let nature take it’s course to bring them back in?


Would I still be able to market to them? It looks like I can still pull the “Marketable users” into campaigns