Storing the Referrer URL as a Form Field

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Storing the Referrer URL as a Form Field

These are the fields on your form:

  1. Campaign__c:
  2. Company:
  3. Content__c:
  4. Country:
  5. Email:
  6. FirstName:
  7. LastName:
  8. Medium__c:
  9. Referrer__c:
  10. Source__c:
  11. Title:

If you use form.setValues(), you have to use one of these fields.

If you use form.addHiddenFields(), you can use other fields that are present in your Marketo instance but have not been added in Form Editor.

Level 3

Re: Storing the Referrer URL as a Form Field

Hey Stan,

You are a ROCKSTAR!!!! - It Worked ...

Many Many Thanks ... How can i get to same level of knowledge as you?

Hatss Off

With Best Regards

Manish Khemani

Tata Consultancy Services



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Storing the Referrer URL as a Form Field

Many Many Thanks ... How can i get to same level of knowledge as you?

Full immersion!