Hi Sarrah,
Ahh, makes sense.
Totally Random thought: Have you considered working the other way around? ie: only syncing specific form fills...
In the admin panel under SFDC integration, you or your admin may have checked the box that auto syncs anyone that submits a form. Consider unchecking this box. anytime someone fills out a form, their data would not be synced. Be sure to consider any reprocussions or discuss this with your admin - I am not liable
😉Here is the Screen shot of the Admin>Integration>Salesforce>Sync Options 
If you decide to go this route you'll need to make a few tweeks to your form triggers/smart campaigns. Essentially to make sure you know which lead belongs to which client and so you differentiate your leads from theirs for syncing
Trigger Flows for client leadsI'd create a client master list and include a flow step to add them for easy reference later.
If you are using a single form for multiple clients, use a hidden field like "lead source" and make sure the landing page has the appropriate ".html?[LeadSource]=client1 appended. Then you can add them to the appropriate list based on that lead source.
Trigger Flows for your leadsDo your usual process and make sure to add a sync step since (since this is no longer be automatic). If you are using the same form as your clients, i'd use a hidden field to differentiate your leads from theirs and sync those guys with your SFDC it to the flow step. I'd be sure to add them to a campaign as well as sync them just so you know who they came into SFDC.
Not sure if this helps or could be considered overkill, but its just my gut reaction. Anyone else out there feel free to chime in.