Re: Start an Idea not working?

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Start an Idea not working?

I've been trying to add an Idea since Friday night, but when I do so, the message "An Error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later."  Anybody else experiencing this?  Liz, any idea when this will be fixed? 
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Re: Start an Idea not working?

Yes, I sent a support ticket through this morning. Also it seems to change your profile to "Marketo Community S" - very odd.
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Re: Start an Idea not working?

I also noticed that the leader board is not working correctly.  I wonder if this was related to the new release? 

I also noticed that one of my fields is no longer being found in the Data Value Changed filter - potentially related to the new release.  I'll submit a support ticket for this now.
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Re: Start an Idea not working?

Yep here too. it appears to me that it for some reason is defaulting to a non-cookied space as there's a banner on the right side which comes up saying we should login to the production environment of Marketo in order to view details.
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Re: Start an Idea not working?

Hi All,

Thank you all for bringing these issues to our attention. I am looking into this now and will hopefully get this taken care of soon, I'll keep you posted. Thank you for your patience! 



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Re: Start an Idea not working?

We have fixed the start an idea problem, so please let me know if you're still having issues. We are still working on the leaderboard showing "error". I'll keep you posted. 
