Re: Standalone Email program vs Nested Email program (under Event Program)? Which is better?

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Standalone Email program vs Nested Email program (under Event Program)? Which is better?

If we need to send 2-3 invite emails for the same webinar. What is the best practice to create Email send program? Should we create separate Email send Programs or  Email send program under the same Event program (webinar)? What are the pros n cons for the both? Can anybody please help with the answer? 


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Standalone Email program vs Nested Email program (under Event Program)? Which is better?

In most cases, it'd be ideal to create the email assets with respective emails' send campaigns itself instead of creating seperate email send programs in Marketo unless you'd want to use the A/B testing feature in the email send program. Creating seperate programs would mean managing status updates seperately for the event program and the individual nested email programs created within. If at all you'd want to go-via the email send program approach, then I'd suggest creating the email send programs as nested programs in the event program, that way email send programs would be tied to the event program that they belong to unlike the case where-in they are created as standalone programs.


One thing I'd like to highlight here is that if you go via the nested email program approach, the absolute asset names within (i.e., emails, etc.) would have <event program name>.<nested email program name> prefixed to it. The name could get really long and difficult to view in the analytics reports at times.


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Standalone Email program vs Nested Email program (under Event Program)? Which is better?

In most cases, it'd be ideal to create the email assets with respective emails' send campaigns itself instead of creating seperate email send programs in Marketo unless you'd want to use the A/B testing feature in the email send program. Creating seperate programs would mean managing status updates seperately for the event program and the individual nested email programs created within. If at all you'd want to go-via the email send program approach, then I'd suggest creating the email send programs as nested programs in the event program, that way email send programs would be tied to the event program that they belong to unlike the case where-in they are created as standalone programs.


One thing I'd like to highlight here is that if you go via the nested email program approach, the absolute asset names within (i.e., emails, etc.) would have <event program name>.<nested email program name> prefixed to it. The name could get really long and difficult to view in the analytics reports at times.


Level 1

Re: Standalone Email program vs Nested Email program (under Event Program)? Which is better?

This is really helpful!! 

Thank you so much @Darshil_Shah1