Source = Social App ??

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Source = Social App ??

I just had a lead come through to my CRM with zero information aside from name and email. Checking in Marketo, it says the source is Social App. Anyone know what this means? 

This lead is really junk to me since I dont have lead interest type or even a valid source. Thanks for your help!
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Re: Source = Social App ??

Are you using Marketo's Social App? If so, did you receive any social profile info on that lead? A social share seems like a very low quality lead for the very reasons you site. However, over time, that lead might show enough interest to make it worthy of a specific nurture or sales delevopment follow up. As long as you are collecting data, it's worthy of tracking the interaction.
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Re: Source = Social App ??

Thanks - I dont know what the Social App is so I want to so no, we dont use it (Im the only one in Marketo). I dont have any social profile info, all I have is name, email and source=social app.

It's impossible for me to nurture this type of person without knowing their lead interest (product line) and I dont want leads like this in Salesforce or Marketo at all since it provides zero value to me.
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Re: Source = Social App ??

Yeah, without the social module that would be hard to do. Sure is interesting as to where that lead came from with that source. It shows in both Marketo and Salesforce, or just Salesforce? We are in a similar situation in that we have lots of leads with very little information besides email addresses. We place those in what we call our Basics General Nurture program where over a series of emails we prompt them to provide us with additional information. One was high-level message about who uses the products in our industry, one was a link to signup for our company email newsletter, one was a drawing for merchandise, one was to vote in a poll and the last ask if they had a request for morei nformation.

The overall intent was to gather additional information about those contacts so we could place them in the proper nurture streams. About a third of those we engaged with responded with additional information. We deleted the remainder.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Source = Social App ??

I filed a support ticket on this because I cant figure it out. If you are using a Social App (and again, Im not familiar), wouldnt it extract the information from the person's profile - such as company name - and fill it in? Surprising that zero information came through for this person besides name and email. 

I have to setup a generic nurture - next on my list!
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Re: Source = Social App ??

A social profile will only fill in the information the user has entered into their social profile account. Twitter provides the least information, Facebook and LinkedIn are better, but you are subject to the info they entered in their profile. Sounds like you definitely need to understand where that lead came from. Even to know which social platform it came form would be useful.

Best of luck!
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Re: Source = Social App ??

I got an answer from support. These leads are coming from my use of the YouTube embedded social app on landing pages. Apparently if someone shares the video, it creates a lead but no info is provided.
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Re: Source = Social App ??

That's just nuts! There has to be a way to get you more information than that. Sounds like a New Idea at least to provide more data. At least you know where it came from now. We haven't used YouTube yet, but are suppose to use similar coding with our video system. I'm guessing it will probably do the same thing.
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Re: Source = Social App ??

Hi.   I just noticed that I have about 50 leads in the last week that also do not have any address information and a lead source.   When I click on the activity they all start with source social app.   Did you figure out what was going on here?

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Re: Source = Social App ??

No I never did 😞 Marketo think it's from YouTube videos embedded on landing pages but that just doesnt make sense to me. I would say open a support ticket and let them dive in that way. Good luck!