Some users try to view link on landing page, gets connection reset error

Not applicable

Some users try to view link on landing page, gets connection reset error

Some users attempted to view content on our Marketo-generated landing pages and have error messages. They are investigating from their end and apparently something is causing a "connection reset." Message below:

We’re unsure what’s causing the TCP reset on this connection. None of our internal access controls are sending a tcp reset to our firewall, but we’re getting a Reset-O on the connection. (Reset O being reset from an outside source.)

The only culprit we can think is it’s an external IPS that we have a 3rd party manage, however they’re not seeing it on their device.

Jul 31 08:20:26 %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection

42639997 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 443 TCP FINs

Jul 31 08:20:27 %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection

42639920 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:04 bytes 864 TCP FINs

Jul 31 08:20:30 %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection

42640014 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:04 bytes 864 TCP Reset-O

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Some users try to view link on landing page, gets connection reset error

When posting to the Community, please provide your actual URL. There's no reason to conceal that info here, and it just makes issues harder to troubleshoot.

Did you upload an SSL certificate to Marketo for your landing page?

Not applicable

Re: Some users try to view link on landing page, gets connection reset error

Yeah, I forgot to post the landing page.

I don't seem to recall any step we did to upload an SSL certificate. We just followed all the steps here:

Setup Steps - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Some users try to view link on landing page, gets connection reset error

If you don't have an SSL certificate bound to your landing page domain (which I agree, you do not) why are people trying to connect to the https:// form of your site? --> this is a response from port 443, i.e. the default SSL port

No way is the RST in your packet trace coming from a standard connection to