Hey guys,
Is there documentation that defines each filter criteria and how they work? Most are pretty clear, but some are more ambiguous. Wondering if there's something in product docs as I couldn't find anything.
By any chance, do you mean the operators on the filters? There's a nice article here: Smart List Filter Operators Glossary - Marketo Docs - Product Docs
If that's not what you mean, it might be helpful if you gave some examples of which ones you find ambiguous.
Thanks Kristen. The filter I'm having trouble with is: Not Lead Was Created and the Min. Number of Times option... I was trying to use the Not Lead Was Created to deal with some duplicate lead/merge issues we've been having. I wasn't quite clear, though, IF this was appropriate and I'm not sure what Min Number of Times means... It would read to say "lead was not created at least X number of times." Is that right?
I think some of the additional criteria that are available on all smart list filters aren't applicable to some of them. I believe this is a prime example of that situation.