Re: Smart Campaign to Score Email Clicks

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Level 7 - Community Advisor

Smart Campaign to Score Email Clicks

Hello Community,


We've noticed that a few of our leads are scoring for email clicks without having opened an email, and assume that this is a firewall/server scanner clicking on links as part of the security protocol.


I adjusted our scoring smart campaign to only award the "Clicks Email" score for leads that opened the email (otherwise, we potentially get someone hitting MQL with an email click they didn't initiate). Does my set up make sense for what we are hoping to accomplish? I've added the intention of each step in the Smart Campaign below:


Smart List

Identifies a lead that either clicks a link in an email or their email program status is changed



Awards the score only if the lead opened the email(s) identified in the Smart List



I appreciate any feedback or additional suggestions to help keep our scoring as relevant and accurate as possible. TIA!

Michelle 😊


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Smart Campaign to Score Email Clicks

You'd be discounting genuine people from scoring who would have read and clicked the emails without choosing to download the images, as in that case you'd not see the email open activities for the corresponding email click activities and hence they won't be scored. 


You can choose to Enable Bot Activity Identification in your Marketo subscription and filter-out the email bot activities using the constraints on the Clicked Link in Email trigger/filter as identified by the Marketo.


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Smart Campaign to Score Email Clicks

You'd be discounting genuine people from scoring who would have read and clicked the emails without choosing to download the images, as in that case you'd not see the email open activities for the corresponding email click activities and hence they won't be scored. 


You can choose to Enable Bot Activity Identification in your Marketo subscription and filter-out the email bot activities using the constraints on the Clicked Link in Email trigger/filter as identified by the Marketo.


Level 7 - Community Advisor

Re: Smart Campaign to Score Email Clicks

I always appreciate your help and expertise, @Darshil_Shah1!


I didn't realize that choosing not to download images would could as "unopened" and this probably far better explains why a lead is scoring for a click without "opening" said email. I've removed the choice in the flow step and reverted it back to the standard score assignment, and will work through the Bot Activity article to stop scoring from getting overinflated at any point.


Many thanks!

Michelle 😀

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Smart Campaign to Score Email Clicks

Great! Additionally, just for reference, the email performance reports and RCA have an additional logic where-in Marketo backfills the open activities for the cases where there's a click email activity w/o an open email activity, they know that to click an email you must open it first. Marketo however does not backfill the opens in the person activity which is where the Smart Lists and conditions within the flow step get the activity data from, due to this at times # of opens in a smart list would often be different than the opens in a report.