Re: Smart Campaign Sending Welcome Email to New Signups and Old Accounts

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Smart Campaign Sending Welcome Email to New Signups and Old Accounts

I have a quesion about a smart campaign we have setup that is triggering accounts it should not be. We have a smart campaign setup to send a Welcome Email to new signups. This part of the campaign is working as it should. However, the campaign is also sending this email to old accounts that haven't received the Welcome Email before (i.e. these are old accounts that were created before the campaign was setup). So when a person logs into their old account for the first time in awhile, they receive this Welcome Email.

This is how we have the smart campaign setup:

Smart List:
Lead Is Created: Lead Source is Website Signup

Wait: 3 hours
Send Email: Email: Sales "Welcome" Email.Email Blast
Interesting Moment: Type: Email   Description: Sent Welcome Email from Sales

Does anyone see an issue in our setup that would cause this email to be sent not only to new signups, but also to accounts that were created before we setup this smart campaign when they are logged into for the first time in awhile?

Thanks in advance!


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Re: Smart Campaign Sending Welcome Email to New Signups and Old Accounts

Your campaign is okay.  I'd say the question really is what activity specifically is triggering the LeadSource of Website Signup.
I'm guessing that for some reason having to do with how the sync is initiated on the website, that first time logins (first login since marketo integration) are being treated and tagged the same as first time account creations (truly new accounts).

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Re: Smart Campaign Sending Welcome Email to New Signups and Old Accounts

Your campaign is okay.  I'd say the question really is what activity specifically is triggering the LeadSource of Website Signup.
I'm guessing that for some reason having to do with how the sync is initiated on the website, that first time logins (first login since marketo integration) are being treated and tagged the same as first time account creations (truly new accounts).
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Re: Smart Campaign Sending Welcome Email to New Signups and Old Accounts

It might be reactng to leads that were created anonymously.  The Created At date is populated when a cookie is placed as an anonymous lead.  So for example, if someone came to your site six months ago but never filled out a form, their Created At date is six months old.,   If that lead hadn't previously connected the anonymous and known record, the website signup may look like a new lead, even though they were on the site six months ago.

You can add an additional constraint on the filter to limit actions to those leads actually created today?

Add the "Created At"  constraint on the "Lead Is Created" filter,
For "Created Date"  select  "In time frame"
Then select "Today"  

Your campaign will trigger only for leads created today.  

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Re: Smart Campaign Sending Welcome Email to New Signups and Old Accounts

It looks like it is an issue with our SOAP API, and how they are tagging the lead source for leads created on our site before we started the Marketo integration. We need to look into another way to tag these lead source, and make sure it is not "web signup."

Thanks for both of your help!
