Should we publicly name our nurture stream?

Level 3

Should we publicly name our nurture stream?

Hi Marketo Community,

We're currently building out a loyalty nurture stream for our clients and we're trying to determine if we should brand the emails in this stream with a series name. We feel that naming the series would help tie all the emails together, but are also concerned that it could be confusing for the recipients when they receive other messages that are not under the series name.

I'm wondering if anyone has any arguments for or against publicly naming a nurture stream? Or if anyone has any best practices around it?

Thank you!


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Should we publicly name our nurture stream?

Why would you do this? How would this benefit the audience?

The only time to do this, in my view, is if it is a series and you tell people up front that this is a continuing story and this is Chapter X.

If you send emails outside of the story, then it will be clear they are unrelated.