Re: SFDC Roll-Up Summary Fields

Level 8

SFDC Roll-Up Summary Fields

Hi All, I created a roll-up summary custom field in SFDC (under accounts), which counts opportunities with a certain filter.
For some reason, I get only 0's in Marketo, and in SFDC I get the accurate results. Does anyone else encountered this? does Roll-up summary fields have the same behavior as formula fields??


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Re: SFDC Roll-Up Summary Fields

Itay, the roll-up summary fields have the same behavior as formula fields.  When the roll-up summary field is updated, you have to update a value in a non-formula field in order to force the synch to Marketo.  I have a smart campaign that toggles a checkbox field from true to false and vice versa every night to force all of the updated formula fields to synch to Marketo.
Level 7 - Champion Alumni

Re: SFDC Roll-Up Summary Fields

Hi Elliot!  Your Toggle check box idea is such a brilliant idea. I have a roll of field that I need to update daily and I've done a different work around with this but yours seems so much simpler.  Would you be willing to share your smart list for this?

Do you have any problems with exceeding your API requests to Salesforce?
Level 8

Re: SFDC Roll-Up Summary Fields

Thanks for the idea Elliot. We can achieve something similar with a workflow rule in SFDC, for example:
Evaluation: when a record is created & edited
Criteria: ISCHANGED (Custom rollup field)
Field update: update custom checkbox field.
this way a non-formula field will be updated and the data will be pushed to Marketo.

Level 7 - Champion Alumni

Re: SFDC Roll-Up Summary Fields

Hi Itay!

How does the field update work? If the workflow rule runs every day and the box is already checked from the previous, no update would occur therefore no update to Marketo right?

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Re: SFDC Roll-Up Summary Fields

Caryl, our scheduled smart campaign has smart list filters that causes it to execute on about 4K leads, so we don't exceed our API requests to SFDC, but I love Itay's idea about the workflow to intelligently update this toggle only on the records that have an updated value. 

In regards to your second question, our smart campaign uses the Change Data flow action below with a choice, which allows it to set the value to whichever value it currently doesn't have.  You should be able to construct a similar logic in the SFDC workflow rule.

Level 8

Re: SFDC Roll-Up Summary Fields

Hi Caryl, as Elliott said, the workflow rule will update only the record that were changed.
Not applicable

Re: SFDC Roll-Up Summary Fields

All: This sounds like a GREAT solution to a specific problem (that I think I might have!) Could someone explain the goal of these actions in the first place? Was it for reporting purposes? Was it for Status updates?


Level 8

Re: SFDC Roll-Up Summary Fields

Suzanne, I need the field updated in Marketo because I want to see how many accounts have opportunities in a specific stage (Roll Up Summary field can count opps based on specific criteria). This way I can email the contacts related to those accounts.
Level 7 - Champion Alumni

Re: SFDC Roll-Up Summary Fields

Hi Elliot! 

Sorry for the delayed response! I am just setting up my campaign similar to yours. I assume it's not a trigger campaign. It's just a scheduled one. 

I am going to run it for tomorrow morning. I hope it works!!