Re: SFDC multi-select picklist and Marketo smartlists

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SFDC multi-select picklist and Marketo smartlists

We are thinking about creating a custom multi-select picklist in SFDC in order to segment our database better. Will pulling a smartlist in Marketo be as simple if it wasn't multi-select? In other words, would my smart list be accurate if I wanted to pull a list of leads that selected 1 or more off the picklist?
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Re: SFDC multi-select picklist and Marketo smartlists

Why isn't my smartlist pulling the leads/contacts that have selected multiple options from the SFDC picklist? It only works if only 1 is selected. The selections from the leads and contacts are exactly the same.
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Re: SFDC multi-select picklist and Marketo smartlists

Any thoughts on this topic? We are also looking at doing the same thing. Currently we segment our database by product interest using checkboxes. Would also like to switch over to the multi-select picklist aslong as a smart list can handle it and not have the above issue.

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Re: SFDC multi-select picklist and Marketo smartlists

Taylor - multi-select picklist will work in smart lists if you use the "contains" filter. 

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Re: SFDC multi-select picklist and Marketo smartlists

Yes and no. It seems in Marketo that the "contains" filter is quite literal compared to the "includes" filter in SFDC reporting. If you use the "contains" filter, Marketo will pull anything in that list that contains the words you have selected, not necessarily the picklist value.

Example: Multi-select picklist with the following values: Customer, Former Customer, Potential Customer

SFDC - You create a report to show all values that include "Customer". SFDC will return the report that has the value of only "Customer", not the other 2.

Marketo - Create a list to show all values that contain "Customer". Marketo will return all 3 values since they all contain the word "customer". 

I'd love to find a way around this without building a bunch of exclusions. Ideas?
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Re: SFDC multi-select picklist and Marketo smartlists

Hi I am new to Marketo and wondering if you all have ever uploaded contacts details along with multiple picklists values in marketo? I have never done this, can anyone point me to instructions?
Also are there any know issues with transfering multiple picklists values to and from Marketo to a CRM (Netsuite)?