Re: SFDC contact Sync problems

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SFDC contact Sync problems

Hi all we are having problems upon sync contact data from  from SFDC to Marketo.

To our understanding upon first sync from SFDC who is a contact will sync to Marketo as SFDC type Contact.

Unfortunately,  upon the first sync with Marketo all SFDC Contacts were sync to Marketo as SFDC type Lead...

Why is this happening?

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Level 10

Re: SFDC contact Sync problems

Hi Tomoe,

This seems extremely weird. There is probably a confusion on salesforce side between leads and contacts. May be leads have been renamed in salesforce.

Otherwise, contact support.


Not applicable

Re: SFDC contact Sync problems

not sure but the status in SFDC it shows as contact and in marketo I filtered out by sfdc ID the SFDC type is Lead it seems that the SFDC type sync is incorrect.

I guess this might be a bug I just have to wait for support I guess...


Level 7 - Champion Alumni

Re: SFDC contact Sync problems

Hi Tomoe Morimoto​  - Did you give the Marketo Sync User the access it needs to see all the records in the contact object?  Definitely warrants a support ticket I think.

Step 2 of 3: Create a Salesforce User for Marketo (Enterprise/Unlimited) - Marketo Docs - Product Do...

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Re: SFDC contact Sync problems

Yea, Marketo Sync User has access and if you look in salesforce the there is nothing wrong...

but the contact is snyced as a sfdc type as lead to Marketo soo weird...

I did create a support ticket waiting for some answers.