Re: Setting up a program, campaign, engagement program?

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Setting up a program, campaign, engagement program?

I'm pretty sure I've complicated things more than I need to, but I'm struggling with how to set up a campaign or program or smart campaign... I'm not even sure what to call it. Following is what I'd like to accomplish in one campaign if someone could point me in the right direction:

Send email 1 (white paper)
If it's downloaded, send email follow up (related brochure)

Send email 2 (white paper) - one week later
If it's downloaded, send email follow up (related brochure)

Send email 3 (white paper) - one week later
If it's downloaded, send email follow up (related brochure)

Thank you!
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Re: Setting up a program, campaign, engagement program?

You can do this several ways. A Email Nurture Program might be the best for this. Although you could do it in a few different ways. 

Here's what you could do. 

Make the Program as a Engagement Program (email nurture)

3 Streams (although this could be accomplished with a general program you would just loose some of the cool dashboards) 

Stream 1: Send Eamil1. Transition Rule: 
Clicked Email Link. Flow step: Wait 1 week
Stream 2: Send Email 2 Transition Rule: Has clicked email link. Flow Step: Wait 1 Week
Stream 3: Send Email 3

The transition rules remove them from that step and takes them to the next step. If that trigger isn’t "triggered" They won’t get the next email. You could however Have a few more emails in the first stream to try and get them "engaged" and give them more than 1 CTA to get to the next stream (just a thought) 
There may be a better way to do this but this is how I would set it up. 🙂
I normal program would do it as well. But You lose the dashboard. 

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Re: Setting up a program, campaign, engagement program?

Hey Kate,

Do you want them to receive the subsequent email even if they don't click? While I agree with Stephen, depending on your level of contract with Marketo, you may have a very limited amount of engagement programs to work with and may want to save this functionality for a nurture.
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Re: Setting up a program, campaign, engagement program?

Hello and thank you both for your responses. We have the Spark edition. I tried the engagement program and didn't quite know how to set things up. I am more comfortable with the programs. I've set up three programs that I tried to link together - not sure if that's possible. I'll test it tonight.

I'm hoping for people who download the white paper to receive the related brochure. For those who don't download the white paper, they'll simply receive the following white papers.
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Re: Setting up a program, campaign, engagement program?

Hi guys
But how do you add people to the streams? Do you do that in the transition rules, chose a smart list there? 
Or do you chose a program instead of an email and there in the program you have the smart list? 

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Re: Setting up a program, campaign, engagement program?

@Kate S - For sure do whatever you're comfortable with! You can do the same thing with a normal program! Just place a "wait" step in the flow before each email 🙂 You can still use the "has click (select link)" for the (have they downloaded the PDF) When you add the second email add a choice to that email flow step "has clicked link" If not do nothing. That will keep them from moving on If "they have clicked the link" You can add in your second email. same with the third! Will look something like this

@Jeff Good point. I didnt think of that. Although, it sounds like she would like to stick to what shes used to anyway

@Ingribjorg You can click on your program in the tree > Click on Members > And under that tab it gives you the option to import members. Or when you import memebers in the Member Database section of marketo you can asign them to a program  OR you can use a smartlist (within the flow step) to put them in a certain stream or ADD to engagment program 🙂  i
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Re: Setting up a program, campaign, engagement program?

I don't want to import members. I only want to use a smartlist.
When you say I can use a smartlist within the flow step - then you mean I have to create a seperate Program and link it to the Engagement Nurture Program? Or can I create the smartlist in the Engagement Nurture Program?
Sorry its a bit confusing. 
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Re: Setting up a program, campaign, engagement program?

You would need to create an Assets folder. Then create a new local asset in that folder. Add NEW smart Campaign name it something like (Add leads to program) 

The smart list would be your filter criteria. Your flow should be "Add to Engagement program"

Hope that helps. Because Engagement programs do not have a smart list built in. You would need to add this to your program assets. You can also apply leads to a program when importing them. But it sounds like they're already in your database so that’s how you're going to need to do it

Hope that helps 🙂

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Re: Setting up a program, campaign, engagement program?

Thanks everyone for your responses!
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Re: Setting up a program, campaign, engagement program?

Thank you Stephen. It makes sense now 🙂 
Have a great weekend everyone