Re: Setting personalised URLs

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Setting personalised URLs

Okay I have set up an alias domain - something like what I want to do now that I have set up a landing page is to use personalied URLs which look like this http//   the john_d bit is taken from a feild I have named PURL. So in the same way I can make that feild display on a landing page by using tokens I want to be able to set the pursonalised url to match the PURL feild in my data.

How do I do that making sure the url generated does not add in other bits?  I just want it to look exactly like this... http//
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Re: Setting personalised URLs

OK, so you're using a token on the landing page to construct the PURL? Usually that link won't change. When you test this, are you seeing other bits? What do they look like?
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Re: Setting personalised URLs

I think you are trying to do what we do. 

You can make a unique URL by going into your form and adding in your PURL section. in the properties set your field type to hidden. In the Auto Fill section, set your Get Value From: to URL Parameter and set the Parameter Name to PURL.

Then in your Landing Page got to LAnding PAge Actions > URL Tools > URL Building and check PRUL and then you can set your unique link to what ever you want. 

If you want just a unique link for the landing page, do all of the first part, but then in your form go to Landing Page Options and select URL Tools > Edit URL Settings and then you can set that landing page URL to something unique.
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Re: Setting personalised URLs

WOW Nicole, that was pretty clear.  I think I am nearly there, so now what I get in the URL builder is the abulity to tick purl but the url generated below has ...   and then whatever I entered in the feild above it.

What I am hoping to acheive is getting rid of the testPURL.html?PURL=xxxxxx and just have the data pulled in from my contact feild called PURL so it looks like this...

Is that possible? if how?

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Re: Setting personalised URLs

It looks like in the URL Builder that information would stay. But when you are in the URL settings, you can go in and make it whatever you want. Sorry if this isn't helpful.

Hopefully you are one step closer!
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Re: Setting personalised URLs

I get ya. I tried using the token {{PURL}} in the URL settings but it does not like it and wants to end it with .html which isnt the end of the world.  So do you think this is possible what I am trying to acheive?