I'm working with a website that is focussing upon two different user types, AB and YZ.
As userType AB browses the following urls, mysite.com/a/... and mysite.com/b/... I add 5 to the score of userTypeAbScore and remove -5 from userTypeYzScore (unelss YZ is 0).
As userType YZ browses the following urls, mysite.com/y/... and mysite.com/z/... I add 5 to the score of userTypeYzScore And remove -5 form userTypeAbScore (unless AB is 0).
Next I want to set a string value in Marketo on the field userType, If userTypeAbScore > userTypeYzScore then set userType = AB — and visa versa. This then drives realtime personalisation for that user type.
I can't seem to compare to values as part of the "Who" list though, is there a way to do this or a better way to achieve what I'm after?
It is possible to compare the values on the website and set it explicitly with javascript but that doesn't help if the interactions are at an event, email etc.