Re: Set Follow up URL for Marketo Form on External Page

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Set Follow up URL for Marketo Form on External Page

Has anyone successfully embedded a Marketo form on a non-Marketo hosted page? We followed the steps in this community article:
The form is working correctly on our external page, but the follow up page (thank you confirmation) keeps redirecting to the Marketo page hosting the form instead of the external URL in the source code we set as the value for the “Return URL.” Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks.
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Re: Set Follow up URL for Marketo Form on External Page

When I create Marketo forms for external (non-Marketo) pages, I do the following which should solve your problem:

1) Create the form in Design Studio
2) Create a Marketo landing page in Design Studio and then Insert the form you just created.
3) You will then be prompted to select the Form, select "External URL" as the Follow-up Type, and then paste the URL of the follow-up page in the box.
4) However, these should be the same steps in the linked article above. 

Hope this helps. Good luck.
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Re: Set Follow up URL for Marketo Form on External Page


In the source code of your external page, find these input tags: 

<input type="hidden" name="returnURL" value="follow up URL goes here" />
<input type="hidden" name="retURL" value="follow up URL goes here" />

Change the value attribute to the URL of the follow up page.