Send Trigger Email to Specific Contact

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Level 4

Send Trigger Email to Specific Contact

I am trying to set up a flow which says when a custom field is updated (it's a field that pulls in a contact/lead) to send an email to the person that was pulled into that custom field and I'm not seeing anywhere in the flow process that allows me to say who to send the email to.  Even in the email template, there isn't a way for me to put merge fields in to say {lead email} - how do I make an email generate to a specific person based on an action?
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Level 4

Re: Send Trigger Email to Specific Contact

So the answer was very was ME doing something wrong with the send email address in the test lead I was using.  Here is the easy and correct way to do this:

Trigger - Data Value Changed (and pick the field that will be changed. This MUST be a field that exists in both instances, or this will not work.)

Flow - Send Email - Pick the email you wish to send. If you use alert, it will go to the lead/contact owner.

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Send Trigger Email to Specific Contact


Can you tell us more about the field name and the action? I might try something like:

Trigger: Data Value Changes: Attribute IS "CUSTOM FIELD" (do you want FROM/TO constraints?)

Flow: Send Email IS "X"

Schedule: every time (unless you don't want that)

So any Lead whose CUSTOM FIELD changes will trigger the Flow, which is to send the email. If you need conditions, you can add IF Choices using the Choice button.

If you want the email to put the Lead's info in there, just use the little blackboard icon to bring those in:

{{lead.First Name}} or {{lead.Email Address}}

Hope that helps. Let us know if there's more you needed.
Level 10

Re: Send Trigger Email to Specific Contact

I'd like to know more about the Field Name and Action, as well.

If you're looking to send an email to the person whose email address was pulled into the custom field, though, I can only think of a way to do this somewhat manually:

You can create a Smart List of everyone whose CUSTOM FIELD has been changed; export the list; delete everything but the CUSTOM FIELD; change the header of the CUSTOM FIELD column to "Email Address"; then import that new list as leads to a Static List.  Make sure to block new leads and updates so you a) don't create duplicate fields and b) add anyone to the list who may already be in your database.

Then in the background, you can have a campaign that says, "When someone is added to STATIC LIST", send them this email.

Not totally automated, but not too horrific.

You can even set up an alert when that field has been changed so you know when the export the list (or if you even have to do so on a regular basis).

I hope that makes sense!
Level 4

Re: Send Trigger Email to Specific Contact

Okay, to make this simpler, I've changed my smart list trigger to be an attribute change on the contact entity.  So when this field is marked with a certain product, "SFE Status" - an email should go out to that contact.  The problem I'm having is when triggered, the email is going to the person who turned on that product (triggered the flow) instead of to that contact.

I don't see an option to say to send the email in the flow that I've selected to the contact whose record was updated.
Not applicable

Re: Send Trigger Email to Specific Contact

It sounds like you want Marketo to support multiple email address fields, where you want one email address field to represent the contact and another email address that is something like a child email address, is that right?
Level 4

Re: Send Trigger Email to Specific Contact

Steven, I'm trying to send an email based upon an action but the problem is I'm not getting the option to insert a token for the lead email - there is no "to" option, just the email template which when triggered is sent to the person who triggered the flow.  Make sense? 

I thought maybe it was an alert rather than an email I need to send to the contact but when I choose alert, the contact isn't an option just the account or contact owner.  UGH - there has to be someting easy I'm missing because this is a simple "if this happens, send an email to the contact"
Not applicable

Re: Send Trigger Email to Specific Contact

So you're saying 
"If A does something, send email to B" (A and B might be same person but different addresses)

AFAIK there isn't a method to send an email to a record that didn't initiate the action, so if A is the email address of record than the email will go to A.

You might add this as an idea to implement in the future.

Level 4

Re: Send Trigger Email to Specific Contact

Seriously?  There is no way to send an email to a contact based upon a triggering action such as the product manager turning on the flag and that would prompt an email on that record to be sent to the email on that record?
Level 10

Re: Send Trigger Email to Specific Contact

I would go back to your original theory about sending an alert instead of an email.  It should allow you to customize who the alert gets sent to, which may be defined as a custom token.

I just started working at a new company and we don't have SFDC implemented yet, or else I'd check - but you may be able to set up that custom token to be the SFDC user account that performed the action.
Level 4

Re: Send Trigger Email to Specific Contact

Thank you Jenn but you can only send an alert to the owner of the account or contact, not the contact or lead