Send an automatic second email if the first one was not replied to

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Re: Send an automatic second email if the first one was not replied to

In my experience, replies are usually tracked as part of the business process itself because replies reveal the sales status of the lead.

So, if you're sending emails to "New" leads and one of them replies, the assumption is that whoever is fielding the reply should be logging into the CRM to update the lead from "New" to now "Qualified" or "Nurture" or "Disqualified" or some equivalent.

And it's based on this "Lead Status" that you can then send your 2nd email. In other words, send the 2nd email to the leads that are still "New."

Hope that helps!
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Re: Send an automatic second email if the first one was not replied to

Thanks for the suggestion, Grant, but then that's arguably not really 'automation' anymore. That's relying on the sales team to touch every lead whose status has changed. While that will likely eventually happen, we don't want to wait for it and/or open the process up to human error.
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Send an automatic second email if the first one was not replied to

@Dylan Z A note I've dropped on similar threads: we're planning to turn our in-house reply tracking solution into a commercial offering in Q2 of this year.  It'll do what you want, but I understand that probably doesn't give you much assurance if you're deciding whether Marketo was the right fit right now.  If you do stick around, stay tuned!

P.S. I'm in NYC as well, if you want to chat about this.
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Re: Send an automatic second email if the first one was not replied to

@Sanford - thanks, I would definitely like more information on that. I'll take this conversation offline with you.
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Re: Send an automatic second email if the first one was not replied to

@Sanford, how does one get on a mailing list to be notified about this new product...or perhaps become a beta tester? 🙂 
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Send an automatic second email if the first one was not replied to

@Justin N @Dylan Z Here's our Coming Soon/mailing list page... just put it up tonight. :)
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Re: Send an automatic second email if the first one was not replied to


LOL. That's good stuff. 
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Re: Send an automatic second email if the first one was not replied to

@Sanford I'm getting a blank page that says "server error" when I visit that link. Did something happen since last night?

Update: It's working now. Thanks.
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Send an automatic second email if the first one was not replied to

@Dylan Z Wow, that's not embarrassing at all... I guess that's what you get trusting a third party to host your Coming Soon pages (LaunchRock, offered by a VC).  Looks like their entire public platform is down.  Too bad, they have served us well on other projects. I apologize for the confusion.

Anyway, for now why don't you just write me at