Send alerts to sales reps based on date

Not applicable

Send alerts to sales reps based on date

Our Marketo is currently sending alerts to our sales representatives when leads visit our site. The problem is that the reps are starting to duplicate outreach efforts with the leads because each rep gets the same alerts.

The two reps that currently receive these emails work on different days of the week at our office. Is it possible to setup the alerts to send to a specific email address only on certain days of the week? (M,W,F to rep ABC, for example).

This would allow the sales work to be better spread out between the two reps, and to help ensure that we're not duplicating sales efforts to the same leads (which leads appreciate as well :)).

I was poking around with lead partitions and didn't know if that would be the way to go on this. Any help you can offer would be appreciated!
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Send alerts to sales reps based on date

Lead Partitions are overkill for this.

I wrote about something similar on my blog ( and there are similar threads here.

the challenge is to know if today is a Monday.