Re: Scoring an action twice?

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Scoring an action twice?

I'm putting together the first iteration of our scoring program. I'm just focusing on behavioral scoring now.

I'm attributing scores to these actions:

fills out Demo Site form
Visits demo site
fills out Trial form
fills out content asset form
visits Pricing web page

Do you advise scoring related actions or just picking one?

For example, if a user fills out the content asset form on our site, the PDF will display in their browser and we'll send them an email instantly with a link to the PDF. In this case should I be scoring just the filling out of the form or should I also score 'downloads PDF' and even 'clicks link in email' if the user downloads the PDF again later? What would you recommend? 



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Re: Scoring an action twice?

you will want to score on all behavior. Multiple visits in one day/week etc. Group your form fills into standard and high level, example Fills out standard form +5 points, Fills out High level form give +10 points. It's all relative to your business.

But be careful of multiple behaviors that could inflate your score, example multiple clicks in an email, might want to put constraints here on a minimum number. 
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Re: Scoring an action twice?

For the specific situation you describe, where the same  PDF download could occur from a landing page or an email autoresponder, I find I like building my scoring around program success rather than web or email click behavior.

So in my program for, let's say a whitepaper, I have a program member status change if the lead clicks the link on the landign page OR in the email. Whichever occurs first will put them in a "success" status, which will trigger my scoring rule "Success - Downloads Content". 

The only catch is that each piece of content can only trigger a score change once. In other words, if they download the content again, they'll already be in a success stage, so the scoring rule won't trigger again. For my purposes I'm okay with this, as I think it helps avoid artificially high scores from someone who is just repeatedly referring to a piece of content.