Salesforce training

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Salesforce training

Hi Everyone!

I'm still fairly new to Marketo, I've been using it at my new job since March 2016. Our company also started using Salesforce recently (November 2015), so our SF admin is still learning as well. I've hit the point where I have to ask, do I need to go through as much Salesforce training as possible? I have a basic understanding of Salesforce, but am now creating a strategy to stay below my lead limit in Marketo and think this would be easier if I understood Salesforce more thoroughly.

If you have completed any Salesforce training, please let me know what you have completed, if you found it helpful and in what way.

Thank you!


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Re: Salesforce training

SFDC admin training was very helpful for me as it gave me a better understanding of how my data can sync, building new fields and objects, etc...

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Re: Salesforce training

Thanks Jamie. Was this online training? Directly from Salesforce? Free or paid? If it is online, can you link to it? Trying to line up what I can do so the more information the better!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Salesforce training

I highly recommend learning as much as you can about using SFDC as a salesperson, marketer, and Admin. There are a host of blogs offering free info on specific topics. You can also search SFDC docs and forums.

There are paid training courses (I recommend OpFocus) that are online or in person. If you do this, make sure you actually take the SFDC Admin Level 1 exam.

Unless you are planning a career in SalesOps or deeper stuff, there's no need to go beyond this.