Salesforce Person Accounts and Custom Objects 2 Levels rule

Level 1

Salesforce Person Accounts and Custom Objects 2 Levels rule

After failing to filter on a Salesforce Custom Object, which is two levels down from either Contact or Account in a Person Account Setup, I am wondering if the 2 levels-down rule for custom object access for Marketo does not apply to Salesforce Person Accounts.


I tried all kinds of avenues to filter for records with the CO in Marketo, trying all kinds of lookup relationships in SFDC, as well as syncing the custom objects in all possible ways via contact and Account in the Marketo SFDC schema sync.


The SFDC setup is: Person Account (Account + Contact) -> Junction CO -> CO

(The Junction CO has 2 lookup relationships one to Account and one to Contact)


So far in Marketo, nothing brings up records with a related CO in a smart list.

(using "has CO"-Filter, or using "has Junction Object" filter with "with CO field" constraint)

Marketo can "see" the CO records (it shows corresponding SFDC & Marketo rows in the schema details of the CO)

Also, Marketo is showing records in smart list, as soon as I create a direct relationship between CO and Contact Object (so lifting it to 1 Level down).


So, I am generally wondering:


Does the 2 Levels down rule not apply for COs related to SFDC Person Accounts?

If so what are the technicalities behind that? Does the Person Account add another layer somewhere in the architecture that is not obvious? So far my understanding is that a Person Account is not its own SFDC object, but rather a kind of Record Type, and Marketo should even care less as it still treats it as Account and Contact. I'm really curious. Am I missing something?


And finally, is there any way to get to the CO in Marketo without lifting it a layer?


Thanks for any insights. 🙂