Safe to run Marketo triggered campaigns during Salesforce integration?

Level 1

Safe to run Marketo triggered campaigns during Salesforce integration?

Some background: The Marketo instance I work from supports leads from a few different sources -- some enter via form fill, some via list import and the bulk of leads come from an API connection to a CRM.


I am looking to disconnect that CRM API connection and in it's place set up an integration with Salesforce. To do so, we are purging our Marketo database of any leads in Marketo that will also be apart of the Salesforce sync once it's turned on.



My question: I am wondering if it is safe to leave triggered email campaigns turned on in Marketo when we launch/start our Salesforce sync? In this scenario the smart list criteria would be for a field not contained in SFDC, so in theory live data coming in thru the sync could not trigger the campaign.

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Level 5 - Champion

Re: Safe to run Marketo triggered campaigns during Salesforce integration?

Hi Tony,

Can you elaborate more regarding what data segment you plan to purge? Is it only from SFDC incoming or the ones that came in via the existing CRM API? 

After you have integrated SFDC and in case want to selectively sync data with CRM, you can use this reference


Can you also share a snapshot of the triggered campaign? If we are already using logic of not letting leads qualify based on an SFDC field/attribute, then there should be no harm in keeping such campaigns activated.

Level 1

Re: Safe to run Marketo triggered campaigns during Salesforce integration?

I agree with @RuchiLapran , if the SFDC sync is not updating the fields that trigger the campaign OR the campaign is not triggered by -  person is created, you should be good to leave it turned on.