Run Action - Delete person from Salesforce error

Not applicable

Run Action - Delete person from Salesforce error

trying to run this from within Marketo (so the lead is deleted in Salesforce, but not in Marketo) - and get the error: -

failed to delete SFDC Contact ID: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_OR_READONLY: insufficient access rights on object id

Marketo syncuser profile in salesforce has delete rights on the lead and contact objects, but there's something else. I can't add Modify All because this looks like it will overwrite our Sharing Rules which contain a lot of restrictions - to hide 'crap' from Marketo...any ideas?

Marketo Employee

Re: Run Action - Delete person from Salesforce error

Some past discussions mention that this error may be an issue with an incorrect value for the Record Type ID being saved in Marketo.  Something to try taking a look at.  INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_OR_READONLY: insufficient access rights on object id