I'm looking for a possibility to offer rss subscriptions for a wordpress blog. of course it must be GDPR / DSGVO complient. and it should work with marketo - that means, if a new user subscribes, the record should be added to marketo.
has anybody implemented such a function? or does anybody know a possibility for this process?
Unless you're talking about sending emails via Marketo, the fact that content syndication is via RSS isn't really material: a Marketo form can handle subscriptions to a newsletter, just as it can to any content. The question is how you intend to distribute content: if it's to be sent outside of Marketo then obvs. you'd need to export subscribers from Mkto first. If you want to turn the RSS feed into Marketo emails then you need a service like Digesto or FeedOtter.
hi sanford, thanks, I will check digesto and feedotter.
Who uses RSS these days anyways...?
Anyone who posts blog content has an RSS or Atom feed. These formats are the standard for syndicating content.
(How did 9 people mark your comment as "helpful"? Was that a bot?)